Monday afternoon I headed into Wheelock. I had driven past the homemade sign for the Chandler Pond Farm stand every day on my way to the college and decided it was finally time for me to check it out. 

The winding road was filled with construction and eventually turned into a dirt road, and I began to worry that my Ford Focus may not make the entire trip.  However at three and a half miles in, I saw a sign telling me to take the next left and I would find what I was looking for.

As I turned on the road, the sun was high in the sky and I must say, I picked the perfect day to visit. 

The farm stand is self-serve and they trust you to pay without actually being present while you "shop". They had a wide variety of summer vegetables and also free-range chickens, pork, fresh eggs, and raw milk. 

I left with some garlic, cherry tomatoes, an onion, a variety of colored bell peppers and some raw milk just because I had never had it before. 

When I got home, I decided I would make a vegetable stir-fry with a homemade peanut sauce. 

To make for two I used:
3 bell peppers, sliced
Half an onion, sliced 
1 large garlic clove, minced
Handful of broccoli spears ( I used frozen ones because I didn't have any fresh ones on hand)
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Pinch of crushed red pepper

To make:
Heat a frying pan on medium-high heat and add a glug of olive oil. 
When that's hot add the onions, peppers, and garlic. 
Toss in the olive oil and add your salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper. 
Cook the onions and pepper until crisp and throw in the broccoli. 
Turn the heat down to low,  put a lid on the pan and get ready to make the sauce. 

For the sauce you will need:
1/2 cup super chunky peanut butter ( I used Teddie All-Natural Peanut Butter)
1 cup regular soy milk
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
pinch of salt
2 teaspoons of honey
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
Splash of apple cider vinegar 

Heat a saucepan on medium-high heat and add the peanut butter and soy milk. 
Stir it around to incorporate the peanut butter into the soy milk. 
Next, add your curry, sugar and honey and stir. 
Heat everything through and at the last minute add the apple cider vinegar. 
You will have a nice creamy sauce to spoon over the veggies. 

Spoon some of the veggies into a bowl and pour a little bit of the sauce over. 

I convinced my boyfriend to try out my creation. 
He's a pretty picky eater.
It got his approval!